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Na Instagram profilu Bulgarian Truth se pojavila objava koja govori o poreklu Cara Dušana. U opisu slike piše kako je Dušan Silni 50% bugarskog porekla i 6,25% srpskog. Takođe su izneli podatke o Nikoli Pašiću i Hajduk Veljku.

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Famous “Serbs” of full or partial Bulgarian descent-Part 1/2 1) Tsar Dušan —is Serbia’s greatest national hero having ESTABLISHED the Serbian Empire and ruling as its first TSAR. 🇧🇬Dušan was 50% Bulgarian by ancestry from both sides of his family, and less than 6.25% Serbian. 2) Nikola Pašič —was a politician and diplomat who was the MOST IMPORTANT Serbian political figure for almost 40 years. He was the leader of the People's Radical Party who, among other posts, was twice the MAYOR of Belgrade (1890–91 and 1897) several times PRIME MINISTER of the Kingdom of Serbia (1891–92, 1904–05, 1906–08, 1909–11, 1912–18) and PRIME MINISTER of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia (1918, 1921–24, 1924–26.). 🇧🇬Pašič was of full Bulgarian descent as he was born in the Torlak-Bulgarian city of Zajčar (today in Serbia). His ancestry either stemmed from Tetovo, North Macedonia or Goljam Izvor, Teteven, Bulgaria. 3) Hajdut Velko —was a vojvoda (military commander) of the Serbian Revolutionary Forces in the First Serbian Uprising against the Ottoman Empire. He was in charge of the Negotin area and was one of the GREATEST HEROS of the uprising. He is considered one of the 100 MOST PROMINENT “Serbs” ever. 🇧🇬Velko was of full Bulgarian descent as he was born in the Torlak-Bulgarian village of Lenovǎc, Zajčar (today Serbia). #bulgaria #българия #bulgarianhistory #българскаистория #bulgarians #българи #balkans #macedonia #makedonija #torlaks #torlaci #shopi #serbs #cardusan #serbianempire #srpskocarstvo #srbija #serbia #србија #nemanjici #serbianhistory #istorijasrbije #cardusansilni #tsardushan #tsar #zajecar #torlashki #sopski #shopski #sopluk

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Poznato je da je njegova majka Teodora bila bugarskog porekla, ali se postavlja pitanje kako su došli do procenta od samo 6,25% koje ukazuje na srpsko poreklo. Na ovom nalogu postavljene su objave sličnog karaktera sa vrlo upitnim činjenicama. Pisali su i o Borisavu Stankoviću, našem poznatom pripovedaču uz tvrdnju da je on potpuno bugarskog porekla.

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#car dušan

#dušan silni